Tulip Meaning

Tulip Meaning If there is a flower that I like is the tulip, who does not like red tulips ? I remember being surprised by the huge fields of multicolored tulips in Holland, although...

European Beech Fagus Sylvatica

American Beech Tree (Fagus Grandifolia) and European Beech (Fagus Sylvatica) The beech tree , whose scientific names are Fagus Grandifolia (American beech tree) and Fagus sylvatica...

Chives Allium Schoenoprasum

Chives (Allium Schoenoprasum) Chive or chives is a bulbous herb that can be grown both in pots and on the ground. It produces very decorative pink inflorescences, and can also be used in the...

Peppermint Plant Care

Peppermint Plant Care The peppermint is an aromatic plant of very easy cultivation that hardly needs maintenance; so much so that it is perfect for those people who do not have much...

Birch Tree Betula

Birch Tree (Betula sp.) The birch is one of the most common deciduous trees in Europe, we also see it on the United States, and suitable for gardens that enjoy a temperate...

Peace Lily Care

Peace Lily Care The lily of peace is one of the most popular indoor plants. it adapts to places with little light, even better than others (such as Begonia). In addition, it...