Forget-me-not plant and care – Floralelle

Forget-me-not (Myosotis) is a plant genus from the family of the predatory leaf plants (Boraginaceae). The spring bloomer is also known as the mouse ear – a name derived from the botanical name, which refers to the leaf shape. There are about 50 forget-me-not species worldwide. The forget-me-not got its German name after a legend: When a couple of lovers once walked along the river, the girl discovered a blue flower on the bank. Her lover went down to pick the flower for her, but fell into the water, was torn away and could only shout to her, “Don’t forget mine! This is just one of many legends about how the delicate blue flower with the yellow eye came to its meaningful name. In many other languages it is also called this way, for example “Forget-me-not” in Great Britain or “Ne m’oubliez pas” in France.

In its original form, the forget-me-not blooms in blue, the colour of loyalty and longing, thus becoming an important symbol. As “magic herb” it was said to have magical powers in the form of “invisible chains of loyalty”, but only when the roots or a wreath of flowers were placed around the neck or on the heart of the beloved person. Today, the forget-me-not is a popular spring flowering plant, which is most beautiful in large groups.

Appearance and growth
The forget-me-not becomes 20 to 40 centimeters high, depending on the variety, and forms long flower stems. They are usually annual or persistent herbaceous plants. In most cases, the plants grow rosy at the beginning with long, linear and slightly hairy leaves. From spring onwards, the shoots are upright and branched, with terminal panicles and few or no bracts. It blooms from April to June. The flowers are five and mostly shine in the classic blue. There are also varieties in white and light pink.

Location and soil
The spring bloomer prefers a sunny to semi-shade place and thrives best on a permeable, fresh soil.

A new sowing takes place in June or July directly in the open field. In autumn, the young plants are simply placed in their appropriate place in the bed, where they will flower next spring.

care tips
The forget-me-not is very easy to care for. Make sure to water the substrate regularly during dry periods. Fertilisation or a cut are not necessary. Only withered flowers can be removed from time to time.

winter protection
The traditional farmer’s garden plant should be provided with winter protection in cold regions. Young plants in particular must be protected from excessive frost with a cover of leaves or brushwood.

Forget-me-not is a very beautiful bedding plant that can be combined well with other spring flowering plants such as horn violets and tulips. The forget-me-not is ideal for the border and also suitable as a filling plant. Sowed in large quantities, the small flowers are particularly effective. You can also take the plant in the pot to the balcony or terrace.

The Forget-me-not (Myosotis sylvatica) is usually two years old and available in many colours. Sunny locations with fresh soil are optimal for the predatory leaf plant. There it sows itself and covers large areas with its flower clouds from March to May. The swamp forget-me-not (Myosotis palustris) feels at home at brooks and pond banks. It blooms from May to August, is perennial and therefore a popular permanent guest in the garden. The forget-me-not gets competition from its more distant relatives: The memorial (Omphalodes verna) and the Caucasus forget-me-not (Brunnera macrophylla) belong to the same family and have equally pretty flowers. Both plants flower from April to May and prefer loamy-humic, fresh soil. The memorial is well suited as a ground cover under light woods and spreads so quickly through runners that it sometimes displaces weak neighbours. The Caucasus forget-me-not is a valuable perennial for sun and semi-shade, which besides the blue flowers also has beautiful, bright green foliage to offer. You can’t decide with this variety? A tip: When all species together transform the garden into a sea of sky-blue flowers, it is guaranteed to be an unforgettable sight.

Once the forget-me-not has established itself in the garden, it sows itself again every year. The Wald-Vergissmeinnicht is usually biennially bred. Sowing takes place in July. Mix potting soil with a little clay in a seed tray, spread the seeds on top and cover with soil. The substrate should always be kept moist. In October the young plants are planted in the bed. Protect them in severe frost with a fleece or some spruce twigs. The swamp forget-me-not, the commemoration and the Caucasus forget-me-not are perennial and are best multiplied by division. At the optimal location forest, swamp and Caucasus forget-me-not also spread by self sowing. The commemoration forms runners and is therefore a very good groundcover.

Diseases and pests
Sometimes aphids appear as pests. If the weather is too humid, forget-me-nots cannot be attacked by powdery mildew and grey mould.

In an interview with our store editor Dieke van Dieken, plant doctor René Wadas reveals his tips against aphids.Credits: Production: Folkert Siemens; Camera and Editing: Fabian Primsch

Forget-me-not in the our store-Shop






Don Burke

I am Don Burke, one of the authors at My Garden Guide.  I am a horticulturist that cultivates, grows, and cares for plants, ranging from shrubs and fruits to flowers. I do it in my own garden and in my nursery. I show you how to take care of your garden and how to perform garden landscaping in an easy way, step by step.I am originally from Sydney and I wrote in local magazines. Later on, I have decided, more than two decades ago, to create my own blog. My area of specialization is related to orchid care, succulent care, and the study of the substrate and the soil. Therefore, you will see many articles dedicated to these disciplines. I also provide advice about how to improve the landscape design of your garden.

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