Climbing Flowering Vines

Climbing Flowering Vines

Creeping plants are generally considered as small plants that grow close to the ground and in cases where their strands are long enough, we can make them climb to some structure, but in this case it is necessary to guide or train them , securing them with a support if these are going to reach a lot of height.

For example, you could tie the climbing flowering vines to a structure with a thread , even some plants that tend to grow naturally in a more vertical way often need that help and it is that most of these vines are small in size and tend to creep by nature along the ground.

What are the characteristics of the climbing flowering vines?

One of the main characteristics is that the vines are able to cover a large amount of space around them, their flowering requires very little space and can be used for ornamental purposes.

The characteristics of the vines are very variable, since it depends on what we are talking about, since there are many types of vines , which are divided into herbaceous and woody.

With regard to the woody or also known as climbers, are characterized specifically by their perennial axis , hard bark and to find them in some jungle areas of the world, however, the herbaceous generate their own stems that are quite thin.

Climbing Flowering Vines

These plants grow at will and always climb upwards in search of more sun, but each one has its own way of growing .

Fleshy stems

Mainly they are the voluble stems, the ones that we mostly know, are those that wind around any support that they have near them.

Aerial roots

Then we go to the aerial roots, which produce small roots , which as they grow, begin to hold on supports, in order to continue growing and scaling the surface to surpass it, being the best known species the ivy .

Tendrils or springs

And finally there is a very peculiar way to climb these plants, it is the style of tendrils or springs , these could be leaves, stems or petiole.

These seek a surface to sustain themselves and thus continue to grow, the most representative of this type of growth is the one we observe in the pea or passionflower plant .

Types of flowering vines

Virginia Creeper

It is a shrub which has some leaves of orange and red , which is very striking to the eye. This grows quickly and on a large scale, it is recommended for windows, walls or small walls, it also has the quality that it is not necessary to prune.

Ipomoea Purpurea Or Morning Glory

They are also called bells, they grow in a warm climate, they are cultivated once a year, they have a purple  or blue hue  .

The jasmine

This has more than 300 species , having flowers of different colors, a plant that has been cultivated in many gardens around the world, although a while ago it could not be cultivated in cold areas, but a type of winter jasmine was developed , thus planting face the cold that ended with the flowers.

This creeper type plant leaves a beautiful aroma where it perches, it is recommended to help with a support either a fence or a fence to place near the garden or home and so that it permeates its aroma inside the place .


Also called scientifically as Lonicera maackii as , it is one of the fastest and fastest growing vines, it has 180 species and, like jasmines, it also produces a sweet fragrance, with colors like yellow orange, white, yellow, very light pulling white, pink and white transmuting to pink.


Mentioned above, this plant has an extensive life and resistance , lasting for many years, has a production of yellowish green flowers.

The ivy needs to have a moist soil and shade during the first years, it should be noted that it can reach up to 30 meters in height.

Night Blooming Jasmine

Also known by the Spanish names of Galán de Noche or Dama de Noche, in comparison to the other types of vines this can only reach a maximum of five meters, its appearance is usually disordered with oval green leaves and small white flowers.

This plant has that name since at night it gives off a beautiful aroma , since its flowers open, although it must be protected from very low environments, since this plant comes from tropical regions.

Passiflora incarnata or Passionflower

This plant despite being of the family of vines also contains the advantage of being a medicinal plant , which can cure swellings, infections by some types of fungi or can even serve as a tonic for blood.

It can also be administered as a sedative and is also applied to calm hyperactivity in children, nervous tension, insomnia and tremors of Parkinson’s disease, some of these plants come to produce edible fruits .

Senecio rowleyanus

This is a plant of South African origin, with hanging leaves that are like a kind of greenish yellow grape , it is a very original and colorful plant in the houses.

This plant loves light, but excesses could burn it, prefer a dry environment and can withstand temperatures of up to seven degrees centigrade.

Porcelain Flower Or Hoya Carnosa

Born in southern China and Australia, it is a plant that as its name suggests, has fleshy leaves with white spots , the best and most pleasant of this plant is that at the end of spring and after wearing all its green upholstery will produce flowers in the form of a sphere with an aroma that will be noticed at night.

If you like climbing plants and you are a fan of the sweet aromas they give off, you should choose to have a climbing plant at home and not only to take advantage of its fruits, but also to see it interact with the environment that surrounds it.

Don Burke

I am Don Burke, one of the authors at My Garden Guide.  I am a horticulturist that cultivates, grows, and cares for plants, ranging from shrubs and fruits to flowers. I do it in my own garden and in my nursery. I show you how to take care of your garden and how to perform garden landscaping in an easy way, step by step.I am originally from Sydney and I wrote in local magazines. Later on, I have decided, more than two decades ago, to create my own blog. My area of specialization is related to orchid care, succulent care, and the study of the substrate and the soil. Therefore, you will see many articles dedicated to these disciplines. I also provide advice about how to improve the landscape design of your garden.

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