Blue Star Creeper

Blue Star Creeper

The Blue Star Creeper or Isotoma fluviatilis is a very versatile and hardy plant. It stands perfectly in the footsteps and has a rapid growth. Its small star-shaped blue flowers are a very important decorative feature.

The genus Isotoma belongs to the family of the Campanulaceae and is composed of about 12 species of perennial herbaceous plants native to New Zealand and Australia. Some other species are: Isotoma axillaris, Isotoma longiflora, Isotoma tridens, Isotoma anethifolia.

Blue Star Creeper or Isotoma fluviatilis is a small perennial herb that quickly crawls on the moist soil and creates soft green carpets dotted with small and elegant star-shaped flowers, widening in an almost invasive way. Nothing can stop his journey: he climbs on stones and rocks, he insinuates himself between the tiles of a pavement, he sneaks underneath structures to sprout a few meters further and fill every crack ….

It reminds me a little of the character of Lippia repens , intrusive but ultimately malleable!  Blue Star Creeper or Isotoma fluviatilis is a Campanulacea also called Lobelia fluviatilis (ie “of the rivers”) due to the type of environment it prefers, but the name should not mislead: Isotome loves the moist and well-drained soil but, once installed, it also adapts to arid soils and dry periods. This small creeping not more than 3-5 cm tall comes from New Zealand and Australia, it bears particularly intense cold and tolerates full sun even if it prefers semi-shaded positions. It can be used as a substitute for graminaceae

in small meadows (it also tolerates a moderate trampling), it is used in paved floors where it leans blue tiles without invading them, creating a clean and elegant look.

Blue Star Creeper

The creeping branches reach a length of one meter each and are covered by thick oval leaves that are small and very decorative, slightly toothed that form a lush green carpet. The copious bloom fills with small blue-mauve stars from the end of the Spring to the first frosts a rocky or alpine garden, the lower part of the borders, paving stones and vases, small roads that creep between the plants like slices of starry sky.

The fascinating profusion of flowers fills the edge of a pond or a fresh gushing basin in a semi-shaded position with light, a delicate path with almost no maintenance. Isotoma fluviatilis  reproduces with surprising ease: just cut a piece of stem and bury it again, the plant will continue its unstoppable path.

Few other plants give a rapid, rustic and elegant ground cover like Isotoma, a lively addition to the garden at the end of the flowering of the spring bulbs with which the herb coexists quietly or as a filling at the foot of a perennial.

Blue Star Creeper

The “Deep blue” cultivar with dark blue star-shaped flowers does not fade even beside the flowers with more vivid colors, a sprinkling of stars until late autumn.

It is a herbaceous plant perennifolia (it is grown as annual in cold areas) and creeping that does not exceed 35 cm in height. It has elongated leaves, very lobed and light green. The most interesting are its abundant blue flowers of tubular shape and starry at the end; There are varieties of white or pink flowers. They can bloom from spring until late fall.

They are used in pots (even hanging) for balconies and terraces, in gardens to cover slopes and slopes, in bordures and in rockets or massifs combined with Bidens, Oenothera, Dianthus, Bacopa and Diascia. They are very appropriate for Mediterranean coastal gardens.

Isotoma is a fast-growing plant that thrives in a very sunny exposure and can withstand some light (-2 ° C) and sporadic frost.

The soil should be well drained (add sand) and contain organic matter. The planting in their final location can be done in spring.

Water moderately, because they are resistant to drought, but it is advisable to increase the risks during the summer.

It is enough to fertilize the earth with organic matter at the time of planting.

It is advisable to eliminate wilted flowers to favor the appearance of new ones.

They are resistant and easily cultivated plants that are not usually attacked by pests and diseases. You just have to monitor the excess of irrigation.

The best way to multiply them is from seeds sown in spring.

Blue Star Creeper
Blue Star Creeper IN A COURTYARD

in vases and planters. It bears well the low temperatures (it is rustic up to -10 ° C) and lives better in semi-shaded positions (even tolerating full sun, especially in less warm climates). It prefers moist but well-drained soils, but adapts itself very well (once it has stabilized) to dry soils. The creeping branches have a large mass of persistent leaves, small (about a centimeter wide),


Use the Blue Star Creeper as a lawn?

The Blue Star Creeper (Isotoma fluviatilis) is an uncomplicated plant that works well as a substitute for turf. He is also more than happy to fill in the gaps between the steps, under the bushes or on the bulbs that bloom in spring.

At a height of only 7 centimeters, the Blue Star Creeper does not need to be cut . The plant supports intense pedestrian traffic and tolerates full sun, partial shade or full shade. If conditions are right, the bluish star will produce small blue flowers during spring and summer.

What must be considered?

The Blue Star Creeper r sounds like a perfect plant and definitely has a lot to offer. The plant stays well in extreme weather conditions, although it may look a bit worn and ragged during cold winters and hot summers. The Blue Star Creeper is fuller and healthier if it receives a few hours of sunlight every day.

In addition, gardeners should be aware that the Blue Star Creeper r is native to Australia. It has a tendency to spread quickly, which can be good. However, the plant can become invasive in some situations, especially if it is watered or fertilized excessively. Fortunately, capricious plants are relatively easy to extract.

Blue Star Creeper Cares

The bluish star requires very little care. Although the plant is very tolerant to drought, it benefits from a little more moisture in full sunlight or during hot, dry weather.

An application of any general-purpose garden fertilizer before new growth occurs in the spring will keep the plant well-nourished throughout the growing season.

Shearing the plant to about 2 centimeters in the fall helps keep it tidy during the winter months.

Don Burke

I am Don Burke, one of the authors at My Garden Guide.  I am a horticulturist that cultivates, grows, and cares for plants, ranging from shrubs and fruits to flowers. I do it in my own garden and in my nursery. I show you how to take care of your garden and how to perform garden landscaping in an easy way, step by step.I am originally from Sydney and I wrote in local magazines. Later on, I have decided, more than two decades ago, to create my own blog. My area of specialization is related to orchid care, succulent care, and the study of the substrate and the soil. Therefore, you will see many articles dedicated to these disciplines. I also provide advice about how to improve the landscape design of your garden.

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