Garden house: 6 tips which help to exclude mispurchases

Who does not concern himself with it before the purchase of a garden house in detail, risks a false purchase and will possibly not have much joy in it.

Garden house buy tips At first glance, garden houses all look the same, but they are by no means the same. Even if models appear similar in the equipment, one looks more closely, one will notice clear differences. Not without reason this is also reflected in the price! If you want quality, you’d better look for more than just a romantic, homely wooden house.

So that you don’t have to talk about a wrong purchase afterwards, in this article we give you hints and tips that will make your choice easier and, above all, what to look out for when buying a garden house.

❶ Size and functionality

There are two aspects that need to be considered in any case. On the one hand, the size is of primary importance, which in turn depends on how you ultimately want to use your garden house. It is best to make a small checklist and write down everything that is important to you. Should the garden house become a gem, with a cosy sitting area and mini kitchen? Or rather a shelter for garden furniture and seat cushions? A multi-functional solution is also a good choice, especially if the garden is not very large. This means, for example, a garden house with a covered terrace. So you can sit outside and at the same time have storage space for all your garden utensils.

❷ Wall thickness

The wall thickness is another very important aspect, which of course also influences the price. The most common wall thicknesses are 28 mm, 40 mm, 44 mm, 50 mm and 70 mm. The wall thickness of your garden house depends on the purpose of use. Simple garden houses for storing garden tools do not actually need thick walls, but you must always bear this in mind: The thicker the wall thickness, the more stable and weather-resistant the garden house.

Mostly sold and also recommended, so the professionals of, are garden houses with a wall thickness of 40 to 44 mm. This plank dimension is sufficient at least if the wooden house is used as a resting point on cooler days.

If you want to spend the winter in your garden house, you have to add a shovel. Thicker walls are also needed for more insulation. Up to 70 mm wall thickness are feasible for a garden house.

By the way: If you want to use your garden house for wintering plants, I strongly recommend a wall thickness of at least 40 mm.

❸ Window in the garden house

When buying a garden house, little attention is often paid to the windows, which will take its toll in winter at the latest. If you use your garden house all year round, double glazed windows are a must. Although single glazing provides just as much light, it is extremely permeable to cold.

❹ Which roof do you prefer?

The right roof is just as important as the windows. The easiest way to seal your garden house is to use roofing felt. But if we’re honest, it’s not a very pretty sight. If you, or your neighbours, can look at the garden house from above, I would use roof shingles directly when buying. Optically similar, but available in one piece, are roof tiles. They look like shingles, but have already been combined to form a plate.

Do not forget to attach a rain gutter to the finished garden house. This allows you to drain rainwater into one tonne, protect your new home from too much moisture and also have a free irrigation system.

❺ Assembly

Most garden house dealers offer a professional installation service. Even if it costs a few dollars more, accept this service. At first glance, the assembly of a garden house may look simple. But if you do not feel comfortable with hammer and nail and have no previous experience with assembling furniture, etc., the assembly action can go very quickly in the trousers. If you still dare to do the assembly yourself, you will definitely get help from an experienced craftsman.

❻ Wood preservative yes or no?

Your new garden house is ready and you are happy. But that won’t stay that way in the long run, because even a garden house needs care. When buying, be sure to ask whether the wooden house has already been pre-impregnated. If not, untreated wood needs immediate painting to withstand environmental influences. UV radiation, humidity and in the worst case also wood pests are poison for your garden house.

Personally, I have had very good experiences with wood preservative glazes. It is suitable for both soft and hard wood and maintains the natural grain of the wood. If you prefer to give your garden house a strong colour, use wood varnish. The UV-protection is here exactly the same granted as with a glaze, however the wood loses its typical character by the overpainting.

Don Burke

I am Don Burke, one of the authors at My Garden Guide.  I am a horticulturist that cultivates, grows, and cares for plants, ranging from shrubs and fruits to flowers. I do it in my own garden and in my nursery. I show you how to take care of your garden and how to perform garden landscaping in an easy way, step by step.I am originally from Sydney and I wrote in local magazines. Later on, I have decided, more than two decades ago, to create my own blog. My area of specialization is related to orchid care, succulent care, and the study of the substrate and the soil. Therefore, you will see many articles dedicated to these disciplines. I also provide advice about how to improve the landscape design of your garden.

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